Backlash Against Juice WRLD’s Ex Ally Lotti for Allegedly Selling Leaked Tape

The late rapper Juice WRLD is in the news again long after he died in 2019. His ex-girlfriend Ally Lotti made people very angry with a bad announcement. Lotti dated Juice WRLD for over a year until he passed away by accident from taking too many drugs at 21 years old.

Backlash Against Juice WRLD's Ex Ally Lotti for Allegedly Selling Leaked Tape

Now, she says she will put out personal videos of her and Juice WRLD together. Lotti says hackers threatened to release the tapes first. But people got very upset with her choice across the Internet. 

Many feel she has no shame or respect for Juice WRLD by trying to make money off private videos. This makes more people ask questions about why Lotti dated Juice WRLD in the first place. She seems to want attention and money instead of caring about him.

Details of the Juice WRLD Leaked Tape Announcement

Reports say Lotti told someone online she would put out a tape of her and Juice WRLD being romantic. She says hackers first threatened to release it about her. They wanted money. This made Lotti very scared and upset. But then Lotti decided to sell the tape herself before the hackers could. She said the hackers couldn’t threaten her anymore. 

Lotti also claimed she would release private pictures she had sent to Juice WRLD before. She wanted a lot of money for the stuff, like ,000. Some think Lotti just wants cash and attention, not caring about Juice WRLD. They dated for over a year and she saw very personal things. Now she might show the world without feeling bad about it. Many fans of Juice WRLD say what Lotti is doing is disrespectful to his memory so long after he died from an overdose at only 21 years old.

Criticism and Attacks Against Lotti Online

So many people are attacking Ally Lotti online after learning what she might do. Fans of Juice WRLD are very upset with his ex-girlfriend. They say she only wants fame and money, not caring about Juice’s memory. 

Many comments say Lotti has zero shame or respect for putting out the private tape. Some call her “disgusting” and other very mean names. They say she clearly just craves attention nowadays. Some say horrible things that she took advantage of Juice WRLD while he was alive too.

Lots of people say Lotti knows Juice WRLD can’t speak for himself after dying years ago. So she is using personal stuff from their relationship to get famous on social media now. Maybe she wants more followers. Others accuse her of only dating Juice for attention and money in the first place before he died from too many drugs. They think she does not care about him as a person at all.

Past Accusations About Selling Juice WRLD’s Things

This is not the first time Ally Lotti was accused of selling stuff from Juice WRLD to make lots of money. Right after the popular rapper died, rumors spread about Lotti.

People said she was selling many of Juice’s personal items online to fans. Things like his clothes, sunglasses, hats, and bags. Some things may have been gifts from when they dated. Reports said she wanted to get very high prices—like ,000 or more!

One post claimed Lotti was selling Juice’s special Louis Vuitton backpack. She apparently asked for ,000 for that! True fans said his things should be in a museum to honor Juice WRLD’s big impact on music before dying so young. They did not think his ex-girlfriend should sell the items for huge profits right after he passed away from an overdose.

So this recent tape news reminds many people of those past rumors. It makes them think Lotti is still just trying to make as much money as she can off of Juice WRLD without caring about who he really was.

Questions About Lotti and Juice WRLD’s Relationship

Lots of rumors happened about Ally Lotti after Juice WRLD overdosed. He sadly died so young after becoming a huge rap star in a short time.

Some fans speculate that Lotti got Juice hooked on bad drugs like pills while they dated. Or maybe she did not help him get clean. Others suggest even more terrible stuff – like she gave him extra drugs to hurt or control him.

When Juice died, reports initially blamed his friends for giving him pills. But critics accused Lotti of lying to police to protect her image too.

Lotti fought back against rumors on social media. She said nobody really knew what went on between her and Juice WRLD privately as boyfriend/girlfriend.

So now with the leaked tape situation, it makes people question all over again what Lotti was really doing in Juice WRLD’s life before his untimely death. Was she helping or hurting him behind the scenes back then? And is she now prolonging drama since he passed away?

What Does This All Mean?

Juice’s ex-girlfriend Ally Lotti made many people furious over saying she might sell personal videos of them together. Fans think it is beyond disrespectful to him and his legacy. 

This situation adds to ongoing controversy over whether Lotti cared about Juice WRLD the real person or just his money and fame. Some wonder if she made his problems with drugs even worse when he was alive instead of helping him.

Now after Juice died too young, Lotti keeps finding ways to insert herself into the story for attention. First selling his stuff, now leaking their private moments. 

Many say Lotti seems to lack basic shame or care for how her actions affect Juice WRLD’s image and reputation after he passed away. She stirs up drama about their relationship all these years later.

Fans feel sad thinking if Juice saw this behavior from his ex-girlfriend now. Overall, it leaves big questions about why Lotti wants to stay connected to Juice publicly long after his overdose death instead of letting his music speak for his legacy.

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